译文:Since the coronavirus hit China, we have upheld the general principles of strengthening confidence and solidarity and taking science-based and targeted measures.译文:Party committees and governments at all levels must follow the unified command, coordination and arrangements of the Party’s central leadership to ensure proper execution of orders.
译文:We need to take a comprehensive, dialectical and long-term view of the current economic situation, develop new opportunities in the midst of crisis, and open up new prospects in the midst of change. We need to tap China’s potential and role as the world’s largest market, clarify the strategic direction of supply-side structural reform, maintain the basic trend of steady and long-term economic growth, and consolidate the fundamental position of agriculture. We will stabilize the Six Fronts – employment, finance, foreign trade, inbound investment, domestic investment, and market expectations, and guarantee the Six Priorities – jobs, daily living needs, food and energy security, industrial and supply chains, the operation of market players, and the smooth functioning of grassroots government. We will also ensure that all our policies and plans are implemented, and that the goals and tasks of securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and in eradicating absolute poverty are accomplished. This will enable the Chinese economy to brave the waves and forge ahead.
译文:Increase the admission and cure rates and reduce the infection and fatality rates, which is currently our crucial task.
to redouble our efforts in scientific research
译文:Redouble our efforts in scientific research. It is essential that we scientifically determine the origin of the virus, identify the infection sources and transmission routes as quickly as possible, keep close track of virus mutations, and develop the appropriate response strategies and measures.例句:加大宏观政策调节力度。宏观政策重在逆周期调节,节奏和力度要能够对冲疫情影响,防止经济运行滑出合理区间,防止短期冲击演变成趋势性变化。
译文:Adjusting macroeconomic regulation. Macro policies, which are an effective way of making counter-cyclic adjustments, should be exercised with the right pace and intensity to offset the adverse impacts of Covid-19, protect the economy from an excessive slowdown, and prevent short-term impacts from turning into directional change.例句:要加快建立健全防止返贫机制,对因疫情或其他原因返贫致贫的,要及时落实帮扶措施,确保基本生活不受影响。
译文:We should move faster to establish a mechanism for preventing people from falling back into poverty, and take timely steps to help those who have fallen back into poverty due to Covid-19 or other reasons, to ensure their basic living needs are met.例句:伟大抗疫精神,同中华民族长期形成的特质禀赋和文化基因一脉相承,是爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义精神的传承和发展,是中国精神的生动诠释,丰富了民族精神和时代精神的内涵。
译文:The great spirit that we have forged in the battle against Covid-19 is deeply rooted in the character of the Chinese nation and our cultural genes. It carries and builds on patriotism, collectivism, and socialism, and illustrates and enriches the ethos of both our nation and our times.例句:生命至上,集中体现了中国人民深厚的仁爱传统和中国共产党人以人民为中心的价值追求。
译文:Putting life above all else embodies the Chinese people’s deep-rooted tradition of compassion and the people-centered philosophy of China’s Communists.例句:举国同心,集中体现了中国人民万众一心、同甘共苦的团结伟力。
译文:Rallying the entire country embodies the great strength of unity that enables us to stand together through thick and thin.例句:舍生忘死,集中体现了中国人民敢于压倒一切困难而不被任何困难所压倒的顽强意志。
译文:Braving danger embodies the indomitable will of the Chinese people to overcome whatever difficulties we encounter.例句:尊重科学,集中体现了中国人民求真务实、开拓创新的实践品格。
译文:Respecting science embodies the Chinese character of pragmatism and innovation.例句:命运与共,集中体现了中国人民和衷共济、爱好和平的道义担当。
译文:Standing together through adversity embodies the Chinese people’s love for peace, and commitment to looking out for others.例句:我们发起了新中国成立以来援助时间最集中、涉及范围最广的紧急人道主义行动,为全球疫情防控注入源源不断的动力,充分展示了讲信义、重情义、扬正义、守道义的大国形象,生动诠释了为世界谋大同、推动构建人类命运共同体的大国担当!
译文:We have launched the most wide-ranging and intense emergency humanitarian assistance campaign since the founding of the PRC in 1949, and have contributed to the global fight against Covid-19 on an ongoing basis. China has proved to be a responsible major country that honors its word, values friendship, upholds justice, and champions integrity – a country committed to pursuing a more harmonious world and building a global community of shared future.例句:我们秉承“天下一家”的理念,不仅对中国人民生命安全和身体健康负责,也对全球公共卫生事业尽责。
译文:Upholding the belief that all countries are members of one and the same family, we take responsibility for the lives and health of the Chinese people; we also make due contribution to global public health security.例句:中国将继续推进疫情防控国际合作,支持世界卫生组织发挥全球抗疫领导作用,同各国分享防控和救治经验,继续向应对疫情能力薄弱的国家和地区提供帮助,发挥全球抗疫物资最大供应国作用,推动构建人类卫生健康共同体。
译文:China will continue to promote international cooperation against the coronavirus, support the WHO’s leading role in the global response, and share with other countries its experience in Covid-19 prevention, control and treatment. As the largest supplier of medical supplies, we will continue to provide assistance to vulnerable countries and regions, and contribute to building a global community of health for all.供稿:当代中国与世界研究院、中国翻译研究院、外文出版社
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